Important Coronavirus Update

We continue to be mindful of your personal concerns for safety.

Conducting business safely for our clients and ourselves is of the utmost importance, which is why we have chosen to proceed cautiously. We are utilizing remote tools such as electronic signatures, virtual showings, and exterior appraisals whenever possible.

Guidance on in-person appointments

In accordance with CDC guidelines, we will be:

  • Scheduling private appointments with essential people only

  • Disinfecting common touchpoints, i.e. doorknobs and solid surfaces

  • Providing hand sanitizer, disposable gloves and booties

  • Requiring those present to wear a personal face mask/covering

  • Practicing social distancing

We’re here for you now and in the brighter days ahead, and we welcome your call, as always. If you have any questions about the coronavirus safety measures we have put in place, please call us at (603) 268-8000.


September 2020 Market Update: It’s never been better to be home in NH!


Appraisal vs. Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)